Monday, February 2, 2009

Week four

Michael Berens
Week 4

Administrative work

Pre- Statement
I go to a church where the staff of the church is bi-vocational. The outcome of the hours actually worked in the church building are far different than how many hours are put into the church. The staff is eight people strong right now and the burden is shared so that everyone ca still have jobs so the church does not have to fully support them.

1.I met with Rachel and Chris Demarse, Wednesday 28th, 2009. They are the associate pastors at Exit 59

2. The List and the Totaled Time
a. Making sure everything is running
i. Muffins Mingle
ii. Coffee on Sundays
iii. Cleaning the church
iv. Administering volunteers in Ministries
v. Preparation for Wednesday staff meeting
vi. Maintenance
vii. Treasury
viii. Stock supplies
ix. Shoveled sidewalks
x. Chairs on Sundays
xi. The detailed things of the church
xii. Connections between folk
b. News letter writer
c. On the Budget committee
d. Staff Meetings

Total Time: 20 hours a week

3. Observations on What I saw and heard:
a. To be a Bi-vocational Pastor would be tough. The hours seem low compared to a full time pastor but add an extra 20 hours onto a 40 hour a week schedule and bam, you got yourself one tired couple. I think they have developed a pattern and a way to be together in serving the church. Also I think these responsibilities are shared with other staff members throughout the month.

b. There is a lot to think about when it comes to church administration. I wonder how I would keep it all on track. I have noticed that the pastors I have been around lately have some sort of planner on them at all times. The IPhone may be a bit pricey for a starting pastor but I think a simple notepad could do the same. As long as I find a system, I think I could manage these types of jobs in the church.

c. Lastly, I have noticed that these pastors are incredible delegators. In fact that is what our staff is made of. There is no way that a staff of eight people; working extra jobs could do all that the church needs. The ministries alone would be a killer. At Exit 59, the motto is if you feel called, please start and run it. We will support you in any way we can. So, I learned that administration is not only doing things yourself, but asking for help and being relieved of duties as well.

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