Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week 4 - Staff Report to the Board (Thursday)

A Staff Report to the Board or a Staff Report to the Pastor should include details of what is going on in their ministry. If it’s the youth pastor, they should include such things as: average attendance, how many accepted the Lord as their savior, upcoming youth events, results on last youth event, ministries that are attached to the youth ministry. I have seen a staff report that was very, very vague. There was basically just a list of what might be going on, the results from the last youth event and when the next youth leadership team meeting was. It wasn’t very detailed, and the youth director wasn’t even there to present it. If you are giving a report, I think that you should attempt to be there to give the report yourself, though I don’t really know all that much on boards and reporting to the board.

What that report should accomplish is tell the board what exactly is going on, how the ministry is going so far, is there any signs of growth or is there a decrease. It should be as detailed as necessary so that if you aren’t there, the board can understand what your report is trying to convey. But as I said, I know little to nothing about boards and reporting to them, I guess that where taking this class comes in.

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