Thursday, February 19, 2009

Week 6 (Thursday)

When I enter into the ministry full-time, I’m sure that there will be a shift back towards 70s, maybe, or else it’ll just stay the same. The change in approach to administrative work came probably because of the baby boomers coming into their careers and wanting to look more important or something like that. They wanted to be “official” by doing office work, hence the home office was taken to the church office and made to look more professional. The pastor stopped spending all his time in preparation for sermons and began to take care of administrative tasks as well. If anything happens during my time, I would love to see the administrative tasks that the pastor does be lightened or become more balanced, some pastors spend a lot of hours doing administrative tasks and not too much time preparing for sermons. That is where I hope it will go eventually.

If I was to think of an ideal situation when it comes to hours spent in doing church work, this would be my ideal world. I would want to spend as little as possible in Administration tasks (1-7 hours), and would prefer to spend most, if not all of my time preparing for ministries and sermons (39-33 hours). I am not really interested all that much in administrative tasks, because sometimes I think that they are nothing more than a time waster, but that’s my opinion and my perfect world, unfortunately that’s not the world we live in today.

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