Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Week 4 - Administrative Work (Tuesday)

I interviewed Pastor Mary Eileen on Sunday, February 1, 2009.

- Answering Telephones (throughout office hours)
- Cleaned parts of the Church
- Meet with People
- Do Church business
- Prepare for Meetings
- Committees at the District Level and Conference Level
- Spends time in the church office working on some things (typing, copying, etc.)

She didn’t give exact answers on how long she spends on each, but she did tell me what she does administratively. She couldn’t answer them after the service because she was drained after preaching, so has asked me to conduct these interviews by email or by phone. This was done by email.

Even though you may be the senior pastor or the solo pastor of a small church, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get off easy when it comes to administration work; you still have to do, even if you might not want to. It’s apart of your job description. I also observed that in some cases the administrative work can be more than your studying time, but most likely it will not be like that.

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