Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Week 3 - Church Board Meeting

The board meeting I went to was very boring, in my opinion, but then again things like that have never interested me; but we won’t go there. Anyway, what I wanted to talk about is the procedure of the board meeting. The first thing that the board did was have Pastor Mary lead them in prayer, for God to guide them in the meeting. Then the secretary handed out the minutes from last meeting to see if there are any changes to the minutes that need to be changed. After everyone looked over the minutes, some moves to accept the minutes, then the head of the board (not the Pastor) asks for a second. When its been seconded, then it has been “approved”.

After the minutes are taken care of, then they move into the agenda, things like the budget, the youth group and their progress, the worship leader, and many other topics on which they are voting, I guess you could say. They move through any decisions that have to made have to have a motion and a second to that motion before they are accepted and move on to the next item on the agenda. If there are any committees or any pastors that have to give a report for what is going on in their ministries, then when they get to that point, then the person would give his/her report to the board. And on and on this goes, as I said it gets boring and very dry, when I begin to pastor a church, the thing I am not looking forward to the most is possibly the board meetings and other meetings similar to these. Administration things like this do not interest me, they bore me to tears. But anyway, when the meeting was getting ready to close, they opened the floor for anything they might have missed. Once everyone had said what they wanted to say, they then adjourned the meeting and everyone went their separate ways.

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