Thursday, January 22, 2009

Tithe - Thursday

Tithing is something that a lot of Evangelical Christians do not do because tithing is giving. I was walking by a Sunday School classroom one week and I heard them talking about tithing. What I heard was one of the members of the Sunday School complain about when pastors talk about tithing and giving 10% of your income I was a little shocked. So I poked my head in and asked if I could interject something, so they allowed me and I told them that tithing is the only area in the Bible where the LORD asks us to test him on this and see if he doesn’t open the floodgates of heaven and bless us. Whenever I get paid (which hasn’t been yet this semester) I typically give 10% of what I make (sometimes a little more cause I want to keep the amount an even amount). So if the actual tithe would have been 52.30 I would give 53. I don’t like odd numbers like that on checks unless I have to pay a bill, but that’s just me usually.

My mom has always emphasized that I need to tithe. When we got an allowance, she would make us set aside 10% for tithing whether we wanted to or not. It taught me a good principle and appreciate those lessons from early childhood. And Drury, I absolutely agree with those points you made in the article. Most people do not tithe they give. That’s why my pastor in my home church has defined the difference between tithes and offerings by saying something along the lines of “presenting our tithes and offerings to the Lord”. Basically saying that the tithe should come first, then the offering is above and beyond the tithe. I think, in my opinion, that it is a great distinguishing. He’s preached on this topic at least once since I’ve been here at IWU (I don’t know how much he more he actually preaches on it cause I am usually out here).

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