Monday, January 12, 2009

Week 1 - Thursday - Kinds of Leadership

Leadership, in my opinion, is when there is someone or a group of people in charge over a larger group. Now whether that person is a good leader or not is another story. When you are in leadership, you will be an example for others to follow; which can put pressure on you to lead well, but sometimes you could really care less. Unfortunately, there are too many people in leadership today that do not care what kind of example they are setting for those who look up to them. When you are in leadership, you are often held to higher standards and integrity than some of your peers. The same goes if you are in leadership in a church.
There are many kinds of leadership that you can find in God’s Word. There is the servant leaders like Christ; monarchy like Solomon; familial leadership like Jacob over his 12 sons. I can’t think of any more. Each of these is a form of leadership, if we, as future ministers are to copy any of these examples of leadership; it should like that of Christ. I mean, think about, what better example of teaching people how to lead than for them to be a servant; not to lord it over those who are under them, but to place themselves under those people.

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