Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Week 9 ( Leadership Qualities)

Michael Berens
Week 9

Leadership Qualities

1. Recognizes the value in other people, so continually invests in others
A leader should always be ready to help and encourage those around them. This helps the group as a whole and the individual that needs help.

2. Shares information with those in the organization.
Someone that is open and honest will go a lot further than a conniver. It could hurt the leader in the end if they are honest, but at least they were accountable to God.

3. Has above average character
A leaders character should be far above the rest. It should be something that people want to follow after and model after. If the leader is not a model, why are thy in the spotlight?

4. Uses their influence for the good of others
Someone who has good influencing skills should be able to influence for the good and the bad. If that is true then it is a matter of choice to not hurt others or step on them with the power a leader has. It is important to serve rather than be served.

5. Is skillful and competent
The leader cannot just be a face. They must be able to teach and act. If they are just a face of leadership they will be found out and sunk. A house built on sand is faulty and breaks eventually.

6. Not afraid for others to succeed (even greater than their own success)
A leader should be seeking out the furthering of others and the group. A leader should serve and be ready to lay down his nice position in the mud, so others can be served. A leader should be ready to be last.

7. Serves others expecting nothing in return.
Servant hood is the key. To serve is to expect nothing in return. Leaders should be up front as much as they need to be, other than that they should be serving from behind the scenes where no one can even give them credit for their skills.

8. Continues to learn
A leader should always be ready to learn from books and from people. They should not be so stuck in an opinion that they turn everyone away over a silly subject. They should also be advanced in knowledge and training so that they can lead the diverse peoples that might come under their wings.

9. Remains accessible, approachable, and accountable to others
These three things in combo make up a great person in general. If a leader was doing this anyone would want to follow them. If we expect people to do this, why wouldn’t their leaders be the first to be accountable and open.

10. Is visionary: Thinks for the organization beyond today.
A leader should see the breadth of life. They should look to the past, present and future for decisions. They should look at the mistakes from the past and see the changes that will affect the future. They must lead in sight and Ideas as well.

This is adapted from Ron Edmondson’s good leader characteristics

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