Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Michael Berens (Conflict)

Michael Berens
Week 8

1. God has taught us to love. That sounds like the church buzz word these days and it may be. The truth about love is that true love really creates an opportunity for God to work. If we are loving in Humility and Peace seeking then God can move with more ease.

2.We have free will. With that free will we fight each other. We can choose to believe one thing and do another. If everyone is doing this, it creates tension. The tension relaxer comes when we submit our selves to a greater will. If two people in a fight really stopped to ponder what God’s will was for that specific situation, there might be a better chance that a resolution would come faster. The very notion that people would think outside themselves is enough to ease some tension.

3. Gentleness was mandated by Paul in 2 Timothy 2. He said teach people in gentleness. He also said to be teachable. With the open heart of learning and the ability to teach in love, conflict should be one sided. If both sides of the conflict have this attitude then there may be no more argument at all. The churches of Paul’s day had lots of conflict. Paul knew what he was talking about. Be teachable and teach in gentleness. Got Paul Thanks.

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